Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cancer Kills: Cancer Simply Defined

   We have all heard of the word cancer once or twice during our entire lives. We know that cancer kills people. We are well aware of the fact that it has no known cure as of to date. We are informed of its ill effects to the humankind. But ask yourself this: Do you even know what cancer is in its simplest sense? 

  Now, if you ask medical experts regarding cancer, I am sure that one way or another, there's bound to be some intricate and complicated medical technologies to come by. Let's face it: it is very difficult to understand a word when you're overwhelmed by the terminologies used to describe it. 

  I am here to tell the public what cancer really is in layman's terms. Simply put, cancer is when a cell or a tissue grows beyond its normal limits, invades and destroys the tissues near it, and spreads to the other parts of the body. I can sum this definition in three words: abnormality equals cancer. 

  First part of the definition - cancer is when a cell or a tissue grows beyond its normal limits.